People have these moments. Moments that make them a different person. That one time when something really bad happens and you regret everything you've ever done and you start changing your lifestyle. That one time when you realize all the bad things that are happening in the world and you try to fix it. That one time a motivator came to school and told you how not to be such a bad person, and you started to realize you were such a disappointment to humankind. Wait, has anyone actually experienced that last one? No offense to motivators though or anyone who feels like a disappointment to mankind (Actually I kinda feel like one). These moments are probably the turning point in someone's life. Their life changing moment. The moment the world became clearer and easier to understand. I don't know if there is a minimum age to experience this moment but I think I've already experienced it.
Our books we were going to give up |
How did this happen to me? Well, how would I know? It just did. It just happened. There is no 'how'. It was such an experience it changed my life. No, I didn't move to America. I didn't suddenly have magical powers. Still waiting for my letter from Hogwarts. Didn't discover any hint of existing elves. Still stuck on planet Earth. Now what exactly did happen? Here's what happened. Wait for it...........................................................
My mum (Deep Breath) SOLD 80% of MY BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY BOOKS!!!!!!!!!SOLD!!!!!!!!