Sunday 11 March 2012

The End of Term Holiday

Ayasha jumping on the bed
You know how there is a holiday for the end of the term and everybody gets excited and all that. You would know if you've been to school. I don't know how they get all excited. Every time it's nearly the end of term holiday I always think it is going to be fun that I have no school, but when its actually is the holiday I always get bored because I have nothing to do. My sister, Ayesha,she never gets bored. As you can see in the picture on the left [<], Ayesha can have fun even though it is a little thing like jumping on the bed. Ayesha is very lucky she's still small and she's lucky doesn't get bored so quickly.     



  1. but you always have good books to read,didi.and now you can write everything on this blog.getting connected with people you know outside there
    imagine when your mommy and daddy were children.have you asked them how they spent their term holidays?from oma rini(now i remember to write this)

  2. Haha, that's why you often say 'i'm bored'.

  3. @Oma I already finished all of my books. And mommy is always on the computer. I wish I could have my own computer.

  4. well,do you remember i have a laptop dell?.maybe it is old but still working can try it when we arrive in malang on was your mommy's but now it is taught me how to click the mouse before leaving for sydney 6 years ago.from oma rini

  5. hahaha, im bored, your fav word! You can play with Ayesha :D, jumping on the bed, maybe? ;p


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